Typical Owls
Most of the world’s owls belong to this family. The differences between the two owl families are primarily structural. The facial disks and heads of typical owls are more round than those of Barn Owls, and their legs are generally shorter.
Species Found In Washington
Flammulated OwlOtus flammeolus
Western Screech-OwlMegascops kennicottii
Great Horned OwlBubo virginianus
Snowy OwlBubo scandiacus
Northern Hawk OwlSurnia ulula
Northern Pygmy-OwlGlaucidium gnoma
Burrowing OwlAthene cunicularia
Spotted OwlStrix occidentalis
Barred OwlStrix varia
Great Gray OwlStrix nebulosa
Long-eared OwlAsio otus
Short-eared OwlAsio flammeus
Boreal OwlAegolius funereus
Northern Saw-whet OwlAegolius acadicus